face group exhibition 「都合の悪い存在 - Disruptive Presence 」 by FACE

face group exhibition

「都合の悪い存在 - Disruptive Presence 」


2024年7月12日(金)-  8月3日(土)



GALLERY TARGETではFACEによる個展 face group exhibition「都合の悪い存在 - Disruptive Presence 」を開催いたします。TARGETでは3年ぶりとなる本展では、新機軸の表現を中心に新作約30点の発表を予定しています。


これまで作品に落とし込んできた皮肉や冷笑、反戦や平和ボケというテーマはそのままに、スタイルの違う数人のFACEによって構成される展示、タイトルに"group exhibition"と銘打った作家の意図を展示を通してお楽しみ頂ければ幸いです。










1989年発行 「ユリイカVol.21 総特集ピカビア」 より










face group exhibition

「都合の悪い存在 - Disruptive Presence 」


2024年7月12日(金)-  8月3日(土)

Open: 12:00 – 19:00


*オープニングレセプション 7月11日(木) 18:00 - 20:00



FACE (1984 年 - 東京生まれ) 

台湾人の父と日本人の母を持つアーティスト・イラストレーター。アパレル、広告、雑誌を中心に国内外問わずグローバルなアーティストとして活動の幅を広げている。これまでにHUMAN MADE®︎、adidas、Better、SNEEZE magazine、Richardson magazine、ISETAN、BEAMS、Foot Patrol、Disney、GOODHOODなど多くのブランド・企業に作品を提供している。2021年にGALLERY TARGETにて初個展を開催。以後A/D GALLERY、2023年には香港で個展を開催。





face group exhibition

"Disruptive Presence"


July 12th (fri) - Aug. 3rd (sat), 2024


GALLERY TARGET is pleased to announce a solo exhibition, "Disruptive Presence" by FACE, showcasing multiple FACE's expression. This marks TARGET's first exhibition in three years, focusing on innovative expressions with approximately 30 new body of works.


This exhibition, composed of several different styles as if multiple artists have created, titled as a "group exhibition" retains themes such as irony, sarcasm, anti-war sentiments, and a critique of peace complacency that have been integrated into his works thus far. We hope you will enjoy and appreciate the intentions of the artists through the exhibition.



From the artist:

"For an artist, there is nothing more satisfying than surprising the viewer. Conversely, there is nothing more dull than painting to meet the expectations of the viewer. In other words, once an artist's style is established, those around them tend to praise that style. The artist may receive recognition for painting in that style, but for themselves, they're merely copying their own work without any progress.


Of course, the artist paints the art work, but the first audience to see it is also the artist themselves. If you cannot delight the first viewer, is there any meaning in painting at all? A painting's true power is only realized once it is exposed to others, but it's not created for others; it's created to move oneself."


From "EUREKA Vol 21: Picabia", 1989 


The above statement was written by Katsuhiko Hibino after seeing a Picabia exhibition. It encapsulates what I want to say. "I want to become a 'disruptive artist' like Picabia rather than a 'convenient artist.'"


But... sometimes, I do want to behave well.





face group exhibition

"Disruptive Presence"


July 12th (fri) - Aug. 3rd (sat), 2024

Open: 12:00 - 7:00pm

Closed: Sunday, Monday, and Holidays

Opening Reception on July 11th(Thur) from 6:00pm - 8:00pm


FACE (b. 1984 in Tokyo, Japan) An illustrator born and raised in Tokyo with a Taiwanese father and a Japanese mother. Both as an artist and an illustrator, his works had been used in apparel brands, ads and magazines globally. Clients: HUMAN MADE®︎, adidas, Better, SNEEZE magazine, Richardson magazine, ISETAN, BEAMS, Foot Patrol, Disney, GOODHOOD, etc. FACE had his first solo at GALLERY TARGET in 2021. Since then he has shown in A/D GALLERY and Ladmark in Hong Kong, 2023.