“This time, tomorrow” by Adriana Oliver

「This time, tomorrow」アドリアナ・オリバー

会期:2022年4月8日(金)- 24日(日)



このたびSAI では、2022 年4 月8 日( 金) より4 月24 日( 日) まで、スペイン・バルセロナを拠点に活動するペインター、アドリアナ・オリバーによる個展「This time, tomorrow」を開催いたします。


1990 年に彫刻家の家系に生まれ、幼少期よりアートが隣接した環境で育った彼女は、絵画を描く以前に写真家としてアーティストのキャリアをスタートさせた背景があります。その後、作品の色の扱いや筆の使い方に制限のないペインティングに表現の可能性を見出し彼女はペインターとしての制作活動を開始しました。落ち着いた色使いと世界観で描かれるポートレート作品を描く彼女は、これまでヨーロッパ各国、アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、台湾などのギャラリーで展覧会を開催。作品は国内外のアートマーケットやカルチャーシーンで大きな注目を浴びています。


普段の生活に存在する様々な要素からインスピレーションを受け、50 年代、60 年代に撮影された写真やシネマトグラフィをモチーフに制作を行うオリバー。一見すると、その手法には安定した一貫性が見られますが、「私はこれまで、自分のキャラクターにアイデンティティを与える必要性を感じたことはありません。」と本人が話すように、彼女の描く作品はかつて優美な肖像が存在した時代背景とは異なる、ストーリーを持ちながらも視覚的な個性が失われているポートレートという興味深い構造を成します。またその独自の構造は彼女自身がこれまで制作の上で重きを置いてきた要素のひとつである、ジェンダーをフラット化するアプローチでもあります。




日本でのおよそ2年ぶりの開催となる本展覧会「This time, tomorrow」。タイトルには、「どんな状況でも、どんなときでも、いつも誰かのそばにいたい。存在したい。」という作家本人の愛のメッセージが込められています。世界情勢に大きな変動の見られる昨今、彼女の描く作品は穏やかでありながらユニークな存在感を放ち、みるものに改めてアートの持つピースフルな力を届けます。





“This time, tomorrow” by Adriana Oliver

会期:2022年4月8日(金)- 24日(日)


住所 : 〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前 6-20-10


時間 : 11:00 - 20:00(無休)

電話 : 03-6712-5706




“This time, tomorrow” by Adriana Oliver

Date: April 8th (fri) - 24th (sun)

Venue: SAI


SAI presents ‘This time, tomorrow’ a solo exhibition by the Barcelona-based, Spanish painter Adriana Oliver, taking place from Friday 8th April to Sunday 24th April, 2022.


Born in 1990 to a family of sculptors, Oliver was raised in an environment in close proximity to the world of art, encouraging her to pursue her own artistic career as a photographer, before turning her hand to painting. Finding that there were no restrictions on use of colour or the technical strokes of a brush, Oliver discovered the freedom and creative expression that painting allows, beginning her career as a painter in earnest. Her style has developed into a distinctly unique form of portraiture rendered in subdued colours, and has been exhibited in galleries across Europe, America, Canada, Brazil and Taiwan. Her work has also received a great deal of attention within cultural spheres worldwide, as well as the domestic and international art markets.


Oliver uses photographs and cinematography from the 50’ s and 60’ s as a motif in which to depict her subject matter, which often takes inspiration from various aspects of everyday life. On first viewing, there is a steady consistency to her style and technique, on which she says; ‘I never have a need to give identity to my characters’ . This deliberate ambiguity provides a different framework in which to view her portraits, telling a story but losing their immediate visual identity and offering a decisive contrast to the historical context in which portraiture exists. This unique approach also serves to flatten out preconceived gender roles of her characters, something which she has always emphasizes in her works.


The graphic way in which she renders her subjects and the deliberate choice to not depict the eyes of her figures, a facial feature that plays a significant role in the deciphering of facial expressions, serve to emphasize the absence of what Oliver calls ‘identity’ . The characters within her works, with their expressionless faces, embody the mass appeal and visual impact inherited from Pop Art, whilst simultaneously correlating with the anonymity of our contemporary information society, in which respective communication is becoming increasingly difficult.


‘This time, tomorrow’ will mark Oliver’ s first show in Japan in almost two years. The title itself is a declaration of the artist’ s sentiment ‘to be there and be present for someone no matter what the circumstances or regardless of the time, I will always be here, "this time tomorrow", In this time of great global change, Oliver’ s works demonstrate a calm yet unique presence and an example of art’ s peaceful power to communicate with its audience.


The exhibition will make full use of the gallery space and offer an opportunity to reevaluate the characters within each of her works, featuring all new artworks, including a large three metre canvas work and Oliver’ s  bronze sculpture. An edition of small sculptural works will also be produced in conjunction with the exhibition, as well as a range of related merchandise that will be available in the gallery.

We invite you to experience a space that offers a glimpse into a nostalgic past that is revived through the artist’ s contemporary lens.


“This time, tomorrow” by Adriana Oliver

Date: April 8th (fri) - 24th (sun)

Venue: SAI


Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo,150-0001

Hours : 11:00 - 20:00(open everyday)

TEL :+81 3 6712 5706

Please contact SAI for any inquiries regarding this exhibition